After all these destructions, the task to rejuvenate every possible thing which can cause harm is hard, but it’s not impossible. There’s still hope, we can win this war against time, against our own deeds, against our creations we just need to come together, support each other that’s only possible way of winning. How can we compensate for what we have done, Plant a TREE, the simplest thing we all can do to make a change is to plant as many as trees possible. Trees are those sponges who absorbs and stores carbon in them and give us oxygen, the vital thing we need to survive. Reducing our carbon footprint. We all have carbon footprint, from taking a bus ride to ordering pizza adds to your footprint. If we can make efficient choices and decisions we can reduce it. You can do these by avoiding air travels, imported goods, replacing inefficient product, and so on. Eat less meat and dairy. It will help you achieve your carbon footprint goal and reduce...