No More Destruction

History had witnessed the previous pandemics and seen a lot of deaths were recorded and again the same thing had been repeated in this pandemic also. Even if there exists a large quantity of literacy in this today's world, the awareness about covid is not yet strong about the people. Posting over social media is not going to help, sars cov2 is spreading through physical media such as air, not through the internet, the only thing which is getting viral over the internet is unnecessary rumors, wrong information.

Scientists are making huge efforts to develop a vaccine so that we can get our golden days back. Then why do you need to believe that using lemon-lime in your nose to get rid of covid, these are just rumors, that makes no sense, especially spreading through so-called WhatsApp university, these things are not valid until not published scientifically. A blog over the internet is not a scientific paper that can be 100% trusted it depends on your analysis and how you are going through the information. Also, TV news can not be 100% trusted, as per my assumption, many people in India watch the news because they think that someone has visited the place and collected the information, and now they are sharing it with them.

Before you believe this you must justify the source think on the information shared. There is the possibility of having fake news. There are a lot of people in India who are experts in sharing such fake news, repeatable sharing and visibility of any news creates an impact on many persons in the desired way of cheaters. The person who is not well educated enough doesn't really think about what is being presented and immediately believes in the news. Even in this lockdown period scams are being practiced regarding the oxygen supply, selling vaccines in black, not only this but also fake vaccines, this is not really expected by the own citizens. The condition is a lockdown and weak in 
our nation that does not mean no you can do illegal 

The supreme judge had already given the punishments to entire mankind for "Treating the earth environment for his/her own profit and didn't care about it". Now you know how does a tiger, bear feels inside a cage. Still, wars are going on among the countries. Even after knowing that the oxygen level is getting reduced day by day in our atmosphere, we are not improved yet, the air pollution or the water
pollution is not reduced, it feels like in this world many people are educated parrots happily living inside a cage or I will say dancing in front of master just to get feed. You need to break the cage and need to take the flight in the big sky and look around what's going on. Since primary schools, we were taught about our environment, we need to realize all it and save our environment. You know we don't need to raise the population to a high point since overpopulation will lead to a resources crisis, not all of them will be completely educated, starvation will increase, street people will being to consume fast foods more which is surely not good for health also this is going to be slow poison for body, resulting in the failure of abdominal organs after a long time. Then this will lead to necessary medical conditions, and also this pandemic proved that India doesn't have enough medical infrastructure for the amount of population it has. Well, people had also played a role in spreading infection nation wise and now they are crying since they lost their loved ones. It was your duty to wear the mask and not to remove it even for a second.

Recently in Lancet a paper was published regarding the transmission of SARS-COV-2, so an experiment was performed by researchers in which two mouse one infected and other non-infected were kept in the same environment but separated by a duct with at least 6 feet distance, so it was observed that after some time the other mouse was also infected with covid. In Japan, researchers also studied the transmission rate of masks your wears on daily basis, so cloth mask and N95 mask were observed and concluded that cloth masks are 50% efficient whereas N95 masks are 75% efficient to prevent transmission of covid. Well, it depends on your choice and how much you care for yourself. But still, I see some people around me don't wear the mask and even don't follow social distancing. Even in this warm climate people sit with each other without masks and have gossips. If you are just willing to have gossips in this situation you should use digital means, we do have the most advanced devices in our pockets.

Now the message is that every citizen of this world should be awarded about its environment, climate, atmosphere, water, soil, global warming leading to melting of the glacier(what if in future we faced one more pandemic and this unwanted life living in an invisible cage), should try to do more plantation since nature is the only thing who can save or destroy us, but in our hands is to improve ourself. 

Hence, No More Destruction...



  1. Keep it up bro. BTW thanks for information

  2. Great work πŸ’―πŸ”₯

  3. Great Work BroπŸ”₯πŸ’―

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Good thoughts, Pradyumn! Well said. πŸ’―πŸ‘

  6. Keep it upπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ Good luck for ur futureπŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ˜Š

  7. πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ‘πŸ»keep it up!


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